02 November 2010

Apply Now for Pride Foundation 2011 Scholarship

Post date: 02 November 2010
Deadline: 31 January 2011

Applications for the 2011 scholarship cycle are now available online at www.PrideFoundationScholar.org!

Since 1993, more than $2 million in scholarships to support education and leadership development has been awarded to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) and straight-ally students. Pride Foundation would like to encourage you to share this excellent opportunity for students of any age or sexual orientation from Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and Washington who are pursuing any post-secondary education (including community college, public or private colleges & universities, trade apprenticeships, or certificate programs)! There are fifty different types of scholarships with awards up to $10,000 – but only one web-based application to complete! Applications must be submitted by January 31, 2011 at 5:00 p.m. PST and can be completed online at www.PrideFoundationScholar.org

We need your help to bring these scholarships to the attention of students in your school or organization! LGBTQ students often do not have access to traditional means of support from families making it more compelling for organizations and schools to work together to reach these students. Our scholarships have the power to make a huge financial and emotional impact on their lives! Please post the enclosed posters prominently and announce these scholarships in your bulletin, newsletter, or student newspaper. Some LGBT students may not be “out” to others and straight ally students are often unaware that our scholarships are available to them as well. We rely on them seeing the poster or hearing the announcement to know that our scholarships exist.

To further assist students applying for these scholarships, we will hold Scholarship Application Workshops throughout the Pacific Northwest this fall – for specific times and locations or to request a workshop, please email scholarships@pridefoundation.org or call 800-735-7287 x110.

More information here.
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