27 February 2011

Apply for RAW Lesbian and Feminist Funding Organization's Artists Grant (Alaska)

Post date: 27 February 2011

Radical Arts for Women supports female Alaska artists with grants to pursue specific projects. We award grants for a variety of visual, literary and performing arts, such as music, theater, photography, fiction and graphic design. We have supported individuals and groups.


Please provide us with information about you and your project. Include:

* Project’s Timeline (include project dates and deadlines)

* Project’s Budget (provide list of costs, other sources of funding and how much you are asking from RAW)

* About the Artist (provide a short bio)

* Relation to RAW’s Mission (describe how your project benefits the community and relates to the purpose of RAW)

* Contact Information (provide your name, address, phone number and email)

Grant applications are accepted year round and subject to available funds. A typical grant is $500. We will hold applications and award grants after Celebration in the spring. If your project requires funding at a different time, please indicate so in your application. You may submit artistic samples of your work, such as digital images, but they are not required and will not be returned.

Submit your application to PO Box 244436, Anchorage AK 99524 or email us at iinfo@radicalartsforwomen.org

More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.