08 October 2010

Vacancy: Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies Faculty, Cornell University (with PhD in Queer Theory)

Post date: 08 October 2010
Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies (FGSS) and the Department of Anthropology seek to make two joint tenure-track appointments beginning July 2011. Ph.D. in Anthropology and critical engagements with feminist, gender, and /or sexuality/queer theory required.

The joint appointment means that the Department of Anthropology will be the candidate's tenure home. The Department and Program work together to ensure that the 2/2 teaching load and committee and administrative responsibilities are shared between FGSS and Anthropology. Applicants should be prepared to teach undergraduate courses in introductory women's and gender studies and feminist theories, and contribute to the interdisciplinary dialogue that characterizes the FGSS Program. Research foci and geographical areas are open, but we are especially interested in scholars working in one or more of the following topical areas: power, kinship, health, media, language, aesthetics, and/or performance. We are also particularly interested in scholars of Latin America, Europe, and the anthropology of Islam.

To apply send a letter of interest, graduate transcript, c.v., three letters of reference, article-length writing sample demonstrating your fit for the joint position, and two sample syllabi (one an undergraduate introduction to FGSS and a second in feminist theory) to:

FGSS/Anthropology Search Committee
391 Uris Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, NY 14853-7601

More information here.
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