* Romance – Modern or historical love stories with strong characters.
* Science fiction – Science fiction, paranormal, urban fantasy worlds, futuristic, time travel, and alternate reality stories.
* Fantasy – Dragons, elves, fairies, and knights in shining armor.
* Westerns – Cowboys and/or Native Americans.
* Military/Paramilitary/Mercenary – Political thrillers, espionage, and in the field stories.
* Mystery – Provincial country detectives, fast-paced thrillers, or hard-boiled PIs.
* Horror – Scare us with your vampires, zombies, and things that go bump in the night.
* Holidays – Valentine’s Day, Halloween, or Christmas. Dreamspinner Press Call for Submissions: Myths and Magic: Legends of Love
Dreamspinner publishes several categories of titles:* Novel - 60,000 words and up (Paperback and eBook)
* Long Novella - 30 to 59,999 words (eBook)
* Novella - 15 to 29,999 words (eBook)
* Short Fiction - Under 15,000 words (eBook)
To Submit
For consideration of your title, please send in the body of the e-mail:* Your legal name, pseudonym if applicable, and contact e-mail.
* Working Title (series name if applicable)
* Genre and manuscript length
* General story description in two paragraphs.
* Writing credentials, if applicable.
Attach to the e-mail the following:
* A short but complete story synopsis.
* A partial file which includes the first twenty-five percent of your manuscript to the nearest scene break. Editors may request more of the story during review, and a complete manuscript will be required before a contract is offered.
* If the story is less than 30,000 words in length, please include the entire story. Dreamspinner Press Call for Submissions: Myths and Magic: Legends of Love
FORMATTING GUIDELINESSubmissions will be accepted in .docx, .doc, .rtf, and .txt formats. Standard 12 pt. Times New Roman, 1 inch margins, .5 indent for the first line of each paragraph. 1.5 line spaces between lines. No tabs or spacing to indent please! Page numbers in the upper right corner, author name in the upper left corner with the title of the work following. Example: Stephen King / The ShiningSend your submission to: submissions @ dreamspinnerpress.com. The word Submission must be in the subject line. All submissions must be spell-checked and edited for American English grammar and spelling. Regional words and slang are accepted when appropriate.WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT FROM DREAMSPINNER
* Unsolicited manuscripts are accepted at any time.* We will acknowledge all submissions by e-mail in 5 to 7 days.
* Submissions will be read by an editor, and you will have a response in 6 to 8 weeks.
* All accepted works will need to be provided to us as an electronic file.
* Electronic contracts are exchanged via e-mail.
* For novel length work, we pay a negotiated advance (25% is paid when the contract is signed and 75% is paid upon approval of the final proof) and 25% of net royalties thereafter. Novella length stories earn 33% royalties and Short Stories earn 50% royalties. Short stories and novellas for anthologies are purchased for a flat amount based on the length of the work. Copyright remains with the author. Exceptions are made for an anthology of shorter fiction by a single author in which case the novel length guidelines apply.
*Dreamspinner requires three years print, digital, and audiobook rights.
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