23 July 2010

Book Buzz (LGBT Writing): Call for Submissions

Post date: 23 July 2010
We welcome items for Book Buzz, our monthly column of LGBT writing and publishing news, which you can view here. Book Buzz does not run standard book release announcements or local author events (such as readings) but needs an angle, such as an award, film deal, video trailer for a new book, revamped author website or special added feature, rave review, notable reissue, etc.

Please submit a few succinct lines with the basic who, what, where, when, plus a related web link if there is one, to John Morgan Wilson at jmwwriter@aol.com. Use Book Buzz in the subject line. Please do not use all caps, and no attachments. The deadline for the August column is July 28, noon PST. Thanks!

This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.