23 July 2010

Call for Papers: Queer Writing (New Critical Pedagogies and Theories)

Post date: 23 July 2010
Polari Journal is currently holding an open call for submissions for an edited collection of critical essays to be published in book form in late 2011.

The collection is tentatively titled Queer Writing: New Critical Pedagogies and Theories. Critical essays submitted for this collection should occupy a position at the nexus of Creative Writing research, teaching and practice, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex Literature Studies, and Queer Theories. The emphasis should be on using Queer Theories to inform the teaching and practice of creative writing. Discussions of the writerly techniques of published or notable LGBTIQ writers are also encouraged.

In general, the word limit for critical essays is 6000 words.

At the outset, submit an abstract and brief bio (including institutional affiliation) by: 1st November 2010.

Authors will be notified of their acceptance by the end of December 2010 and will then be required to submit completed essays, in accordance with Polari’s Style Guidelines (see Submissions Guide page), by: 1st February 2011.

Email abstracts directly to the editor: pema.baker@scu.edu.au

This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.