This Spring, Northwestern University’s Queer Pride Graduate Student Association will host its annual “Queertopia! – an Academic Festival” The festival is committed to showcasing politically progressive and intellectually sound artistic practice, and we are excited to present “Queergasm!” a cabaret of queer performance on Saturday May 28th from 7-9pm at Mary’s Attic in Andersonville.
The cabaret will be a night of all things fabulous: singer-songwriters, drag performers, puppeteers, tangueros, burlesque artists, actors, comediennes, clowns, ball-queens… ALL performance styles are welcome. We are accepting performance proposals from groups (up to 12 minutes long) and individuals (up to 7 minutes long), and can offer a modest stipend for each act accepted. The theme of the weekend’s conference is “Queer(ing) Poetics: Text, Method, Movement, Thought”; we encourage submissions that speak to the theme although we will consider ALL submissions equally.

Please send a word document with a description of the proposed performance (250 words maximum) to (subject: QUEERGASM 2011) along with a brief artist bio(s). Online video clips, websites, artist statements, CVs, headshots, and other material that can help us to get a better idea of what you’ll be performing are also welcome. Please also include relevant contact info (email, phone, mailing address).
We welcome anyone who understands themselves or their work as queer to apply. We particularly encourage trans and genderqueer persons, people of color, and differently abled persons to submit proposals. Submission deadline is April 22nd at midnight. Accepted performers will be notified on May 1st.
Contact Information:
For inquiries:[at]
For submissions:[at]
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