26 April 2011

Carve Magazine's 2012 Esoteric Awards (for LGBT-Themed Short Story)

Post date: 26 April 2011
Deadline: 31 December 2011

What does it mean to be "LGBT"? We seek short stories of fiction that either include LGBT characters/elements or are written by LGBT authors. We're looking for an honest representation of the joys, challenges, triumphs, and desires of the LGBT population. We implore you to show us something we've never seen before.

Additionally, we are seeking exceptional photography that captures the LGBT spirit. You may submit up to three photographs per entry. Photography and fiction submissions are separate.


» Online entry fee is $8 per story; mailed entry fee by check or money order payable to Carve Magazine is $7 per story. There is no limit to the number of stories one may submit.

» No genre fiction; literary fiction only.

» Stories must be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions accepted if notified promptly that story is accepted elsewhere.

» All submissions must be formatted as follows:

-double spaced
-at least 1" margins
-no cover page or letter if submitting online; Submishmash provides this on their upload form
-ONLY story title and page numbers (no author info) in upper right corner

» Not following the above guidelines may result in disqualification. Authors of disqualified stories are only notified if submitting via online; there is no refund if your story is disqualified.


Submission Dates: March 15-December 31, 2011

Entry Fee: Fiction-$8 online/$7 mailed; Photography-$8 for 3 entries.

Word Count: Max 8,000

Winners Announced: March 1, 2012

Stories Published: March 15, 2012 (Spring issue)

Prizes: Four 1st place prizes of $250 each; 1 photography cover winner $250

2012 Theme: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender

Contact Information:

For inquiries: contest@carvezine.com

For submissions: click here

Website: http://www.carvezine.com/
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.