25 October 2010

Poetry Reading and Book Signing: Angry June Moon Says Hello

Post date: 25 October 2010
November 14, 2010
Bent Pages
Staten Island, NY

This is a book of poetry written over the course of 26 years, by poet Kevin Burke. In Angry June Moon Says Hello, Burke explores the journey of coming out as a gay man along with his own inner transformation as he grows to find internal strength and purpose. It deals as well with his religiosity and his search for a home for his deep faith and conviction. This is a story many of us have lived ourselves, as he reveals his early struggle with sexuality, his subsequent betrayal and rejection by friends and family. Kevin intends for his poems to offer hope and courage to anyone feeling ostracized, shamed, neglected or marginalized by society.

Take bus #78 to Van Duzer Street and Broad Street. Call (919) 952-2448 for more info.

More information here.
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