25 October 2010

Call for Submissions: Not Your Mother’s Meatloaf (comics that challenge hetero and gender normative practices)

Post date: 25 October 2010
Deadline: 1 November 2010

Its that time again, when we ask you to get out your pens n' paper and get to drawin some comics.

Please submit a sex ed comic to the 4th Issue of Not Your Mothers' Meatloaf!

The theme of this issue is: Health

Guidelines: 8 1/2 x 11, black ink, 1-4 pages

We try to provide themes that will help get you started. But, it is are just a suggestion and we encourage you to write about anything you feel inspired to share. And please interpret our new theme broadly; sexual health can range from mental to physical to emotional, from prescription drugs to homeopathic or herbal remedies, from the hospital or the doctor's office to the bathroom and bedroom.

Remember: Our primary focus is educating youth and each other about important issues surrounding sexuality, safer sex, consent, gender, etc.

Also: Submissions are anonymous unless you put your name on the comic itself.
Email scanned copies to: notyourmothersmeatloaf@gmail.com

Let us know if you need to snail mail hard copies and we will provide you with an address.

Thanks so much! We can't do it without your incredible stories.

More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.