03 June 2012

Deadline June 10 | Call for Submissions: To The Exclusion of All Others: Queers Questioning Gay Marriage (Australia)

Post date: 03 June 2012
Deadline: 10 June 2012

This publication will offer differing voices as the fight for gay marriage threatens to completely envelope all other struggles in the queer community. Inspired by Against Equality: Queer Critiques of Gay Marriage, this publication will focus primarily on Australia and the specific affects the marriage campaign has had on the queer community. Seeking to explore events such as John Howard’s changing of the marriage laws, the normalising of the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras, white washing of the queer community and the erasure of trans* folks voices.

Ultimately this will be a publication that tries to carve out a queer future that isn’t seeking a state sanctioned piece of paper. Seeking works from far ranging topics by folks from all across our communities. Some topic ideas/areas of inquiry/inspiration:

- Trans* folk and the marriage debate

- Racism and white privilege in marriage

- Normalised bodies, ability and who is “marriageable”

- Will it “get better”

- Capitalism, the pink dollar and class privilege

- Gender and gay marriage

- Intimate partner violence

- Patriarchy

- Homonormativity

- Heteronormativity

- Feminism

- Intersections of oppressions

- Marriage and law

- Speciesism

- Polyamory/open relationships

- Family

Please note these are ideas, feel free to create your own. All submissions need to be in word format, 12p Times New Roman. Include name and page numbers. Referencing in endnote.


For queries/ submissions: totheexclusionofallothers@gmail.com

Website: http://totheexclusionofallothers.wordpress.com
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