Got a unique, hair-raising, spine-chilling, bizarre or darkly haunted story laced with wicked, shameless, impassioned, earth shattering and mind numbing s3x? Ghosts, gobblins, witches, werewolves, vampires and other worldly creepy critters that like to go bump-de-hump in the night. Short stories with a paranormal element, halloween party masquerade, haunted house or simply a spooky, ghoulish theme and loaded with sizzling s3xual escapad3s and encounters of the other world kind.
Special consideration given to: f/f, f/f/f, m/f/m, or other m3nage combination or those with a f3tish theme. 2500-7000 words, 12 point times new roman, single spaced, 1 in margins. (no extra spaces or returns). Save file as: YOURLEGALNAME_TITLE_HalloweenTheme.doc.
Send as a .doc attachment (not .docx or rtf) with "Halloween Theme" as the subject line to: with the following information on the first page of the manuscript:
Legal Name, pseudonym (if applicable), title of the story, word count, and short synopsis.
Include: A 50-75 word bio, written in the third person and link to your website or blog.
Royalties are 80% net to the contributors and one complimentary ebook copy.
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