Stories should be between 2,500 and 5,000 words. Email submissions to debrawriting at cox dot net as a double-spaced Word or RTF attachment with “Back Door Lover” in the subject line. Include your name (and pseudonym, if applicable), bio, mailing address, email, title of the piece and word count as part of your document. The header of each page should include your name and page number.
Compensation: Ravenous Romance short story advance of $10, a copy of the anthology, plus a pro rata share of any revenue/subsidiary rights.
Back Door Lover: Er0tic Tales of An@l Intimacy
Editor: Debra Hyde, editing as Debra Wilson-Koss
Contact Information:
For inquiries: debrawriting at cox dot net
For submissions: debrawriting at cox dot net
Website: http://www.ravenousromance.com/
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