RFD is often a place to be retrospective, reflective of the past and considering our experiences but the Summer issue is all about exploring “WHAT’S NEXT” in our movement. As the modern gay movement pushed well into it’s forties (looking fine by the way!) how are we looking to the future generation of gay people. How are we handling issues of young people within the GLBT community and how is the gay movement viewed by the queer youth of today?

If you’d like to focus your submission on how this related to the Radical Faerie movement that’s fine but we’re hoping for the larger view. But of course the personal is always political so speak from the “community” which most reflects on your experience.
We’d especially like to hear how Generation Q reflects the diversity of the queer community -- so reach into topics beyond just “gay men” like leather, the bear culture, the lesbian community, people living with HIV, the gay drug culture, gay literati, transfolk, porn -- you name it but focus on the positive and think in terms of community building.
And lastly how does a vibrant community and culture made up of young and old, gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered people create a lasting impact on our immediate community but also look beyond it.
As always we’d love to see your artwork and photographs gracing the pages of RFD. So please consider sending in work which reflects on this theme.
Submissions can be sent to submissions@rfdmag.org with Summer 2011 in the subject line. Please include within your document or email the title of your piece, your name as you would like it to appear in RFD as well as your mailing address so we can send you a contributor copy of the issue. The deadline for this issue is April 25, 2011.
All artwork / photos should be scanned at least 300 dpi and at least 1 megabyte in size. Color is okay!
Please feel free to share this notice but do note it is already sent to a majority of the fey lists already!
PS The Fall issue will deal with Walt Whitman and Edward Carpenter and their impacts on us. Be in touch if you want more info.
RFD - A Reader Created Journal
Celebrating Queer Diversity Since 1974
More information here.
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