24 February 2011

Writing for Equally Wed, a Same-Sex Magazine (rate: $50-$500

Post date: 24 February 2011
From WritersWeekly.com:

Equally Wed Magazine, 2888 Kimmeridge Drive, Atlanta, GA 30344. P(404)768-8146. Email: info-at-equallywed.com. Website: http://www.equallywed.com. Kirsten Ott Palladino, Editor in Chief. "Equally Wed is a same-sex wedding and honeymoon magazine." 90% freelance. Welcomes new writers. Quarterly. Pays on acceptance. Usually publishes ms within 60 days of acceptance. Buys first rights. No reprints. Responds within a week. Guidelines by email.

CURRENT NEEDS: "Everything that pertains to same-sex weddings. Every department is open for pitching. Writers don't need to be GLBT to write for any section with the exception of Honeymoons (this department features articles on destinations that are researched for gay-friendliness). However, all Equally Wed writers must be in full support and understanding of marriage equality, as well as the needs of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples planning their weddings."Pays $50-$500. Pitch ideas via e-mail."


Common mistakes include, "writers pitching stories for brides and grooms marrying each other. We're a gay magazine! But seriously, we need professional writers who completely embrace marriage equality and understand the ins and outs of same-sex weddings, how they're different from straight weddings and how they're not. We need writers to come up with new ideas of what's not been covered in other wedding magazines, and how we can further help gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender couples plan their nuptials."

More information here.
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