10 February 2011

Gay-Friendly LT3 Press is Looking for Editors (rate: $600 for 300-page manuscripts)

Post date: 10 February 2011
Less Than Three Press is looking for editors. Editors for LT3 are independently contracted and given projects as they are needed or become available. Payment is based according to page count. Manuscripts under 300 pages earn $1.50/page, all manuscripts 300 pages or more earn $2.00/page.

Editors must have a strong working knowledge of English grammar and punctuation as well as be capable of, and comfortable with, making minor stylistic/formatting judgments—combining/separating paragraphs, adjusting word choice, rephrasing/rewording sentences, etc.

They should also be able to track, note, and point out inconsistencies in the plots, timelines, and development of stories and be comfortable with commenting on an author’s work and suggesting changes or improvements as well as advising authors when certain parts or aspects of a story simply do not work or are unclear.

If you are interested, email Samantha Derr at derrs@lessthanthreepress.com for a style sheet and sample. Please include in your email any experience or qualifications you may have.

More information here.
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