Editor: Richard Labonte
For the s3nsual anthology series BEST GAY R0MANCE, I'm looking for short stories, novel excerpts or memoirs (maximum 6,500 words) that are as sweet as they are st3amy, both emotive and er0tic: stories about two men (or, who knows, more) falling in love, being in love, having loved. The wooing and the winning, the blush of a crush, the details of a date, the rush of r0mance... the er0tic is welcome, but the emphasis ought to be on r0mance.
Original stories, or reprints if published between May 2010 and May 2011. Payment $50 to $75 plus two contributor copies. Multiple submissions are okay in .doc or .rtf; include real name/ address/ 50-word bio, to bgrcleis2012@gmail.com.
More information here.
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