24 December 2010

Lesbian Er0tic Fiction Wanted (full figured fantasy, bundles of joy, 22 days of yule) by Storm Moon Press

Post date: 24 December 2010
We are currently accepting submissions for 2011 and 2012.

All works submitted to Storm Moon Press must be unreleased works. We are only interested in acquiring first English language rights. This means if a work has been self-published, published by a subsidy press, on a website, journal, or other public forum, those rights have already been used and we cannot accept your submission.

We accept submissions for:

* Novellas (20,000 to 49,999 words)
* Novels (50,000 to 100,000 words)

Full Figured Fantasy is a line of M/F and F/F romances featuring plus-sized heroines. By 'plus-size', we do not mean large breasts and a small waist. We are looking for true, full-figured women in these stories. Women with curves are as beautiful and desirable as the more traditional romance heroine, and we want to showcase that here. We are not looking for fat f3tish stories, so please do not submit those to us. We are looking for er0tic romances in all genres between men and women or women with other women where the main heroine is full-figured.

We also do not want pages and pages of fat-loathing or self-hatred. Such things are terribly negative and do not lend themselves to the romantic fantasy. A heroine who is not confident or has hang ups about her weight is fine, as that is a honest aspect of being a large woman, but self-hating is not acceptable.

Bundles of Joy is Storm Moon Press' pregnancy line. We are looking for M/F, F/F, and, yes, even M/M er0tic romances featuring a pregnant main character. We do not require the love interests to be married or even in a relationship at the start of the story, nor do we require the non-pregnant partner to be biologically connected to the pregnancy. All genres are acceptable, so long as the pregnancy is a key plot aspect. We do require, however, that should the pregnancy end during the duration of the story, that it end with a live birth, even if the couple does not keep the resulting infant (though you will have to really sell us on that one as we do feel these should have the HEA ending). No abortion, miscarriage, or stillbirth fiction, please. Unplanned pregnancies are acceptable, as is surrogacy.

22 Days of Yule is a holiday series we would like to fill each year, beginning in 2011. We have two series we're accepting submissions for at the same time, one that features M/M fiction, and a second one featuring F/F fiction. The stories must be er0tic romance, be between 5,000 and 19,999 words, and must have a wintery/holiday theme at their heart.

All short stories will be released during 22 days, from December 1st until December 22nd. We pay 50% net royalties ('net' is defined in our contracts, which are negotiable). Duration of contract will be for three (3) years, and we seek exclusive, worldwide English rights. We will NOT accept reprints.

Submissions must be sent electronically, through email. Please do not send hard copies of manuscripts to our place of business as we will not return them, nor will they be reviewed. The only thing we do via the traditional mail system is our contracts. Send all queries to submissions @ stormmoonpress.com.

Within the body of your email should be your query letter. We ask that it be relatively short (no more than 300 words). This should include information about you, the author, as well as the work you are submitting, genre, and word count of your manuscript. We accept submissions for the following genres:

When submitting your files, please ensure they are named as follows: TITLE_AUTHORNAME and SYNOPSIS_TITLE_AUTHORNAME. We are sticklers for organization and this will ensure your files do not become lost in the shuffle.

Submission Requirements:

* Send submissions to submissions @ stormmoonpress.com (remove the spaces when surrounding the @ sign when emailing us)
* Email subject should read: SUBMISSION TITLE AUTHOR NAME
* Cover page of your synopsis should include the following: working title, word count, genre, series name (if applicable), author's legal name, author's pen name (if applicable), address, phone number, and e-mail
* Submissions must be sent as a RTF attachment, the file names TITLE_AUTHORNAME and SYNOPSIS_TITLE_AUTHORNAME
* Author name and book title on the first page of the manuscript
* Double spaced, 12 point font, Times New Roman, 1" margins, do not indent your paragraphs
* Page break before all new chapters
* Marketing plan

Again, please only contact us about completed manuscripts that have been polished to the very best of your ability. We will respond to your query within 24 hours of receipt simply to confirm we have received it. Allow two (2) weeks for us to contact you about either sending a full manuscript submission or our passing on your query.

Should we ask for a full manuscript to review, allow eight (8) to twelve (12) weeks for a personal reply.

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at editor @ stormmoonpress.com

More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.