Well, it’s that time again – WOMYN needs your submissions for our next issue!
Check out the submission guidelines to make sure that your piece qualifies, and send it to womynatduke@gmail.com using your Duke affiliated email. Get creative, make it personal, and contact us if you have any questions or suggestions!
WOMYN looks forward to receiving your pieces, and we know that you will help us to produce a wonderful second issue!
All submissions will be reviewed for publication as long as they follow our basic guidelines:
1. The piece must be non-fiction and the author’s own original work.
2. Each piece must have a queer woman’s focus. (If you have questions about the relevancy of your topic, ask us!)
3. The author is a Duke University student (undergraduate or graduate), staff, alumnus or faculty member. (It should be noted that the author does not need to identify as a LGBTQ woman to submit a piece to WOMYN.) All straight-allied and LGBTQ university affiliates are highly encouraged to submit and all pieces will be reviewed equally.
4. The piece does not contain personal or identifying information about other individuals without their knowledge, or hate speech of any kind.
If your article, photo or other type of magazine piece follows these guidelines, please submit it! Please send your piece using your Duke affiliated email to womynatduke@gmail.com, along with a portrait or passport type photo if you would like to have your picture appear besides your piece. Anonymous pieces are accepted.
What should I submit?
The purpose of WOMYN is to increase visibility of LGBTQ-identified women on Duke’s campus and to highlight the integral nature of queer women at Duke. We encourage everyone to submit to WOMYN in order to include a diverse group of experiences of queer women and their allies!
Some examples of places to start out writing might be some of the following themes:
* your experience as a straight ally and friend of queer women
* coming out and questioning
* being a queer woman at Duke University
* LGBTQ advocacy and politics
* your experiences as a past student at Duke and how that compares to your time after Duke (alumni)
* being out in your academic field or profession
* intersections of sexuality with race/ethnicity, class, faith, ability, health, culture or gender
* any topic that you feel captures your personal experience.
Remember: you do not need to identify as a LGBTQ woman to submit a piece to WOMYN. All are strongly encouraged to submit their unique experiences, straight or LGBTQ!
More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.