29 November 2010

Another Call for Gay Novellas: Postcards from Paradise (Amer Allure Press)

Post date: 29 November 2010
Deadline: 1 April 2011

Series Type: Gay (M/M) - Vacation Love Affairs

Novella Length: 18,000 to 39,999 words

Heat Level: 3+

The heroes (the main focus of each novella) must be strictly gay and not bisexual. For storyline purposes, your heroes may have a history of heterosexual or bisexual activity, but generally, they are now either fully out of the closet or will be fully out before the story concludes. Again, all "female" involvement within the story should be kept to a minimum.

Specific Guidelines: Each story for this theme should detail the rollicking good time your characters experience on a vacation in the paradise of their own making. Whether your characters meet on a deserted, sun-splashed beach or in a secluded ski chalet on a snow-packed mountain, at an exclusive fantasy "dude-ranch" or camping under the stars while "hiking the Appalachian Trail," we want to read a love story that likely may not have occurred were it not for a timely vacation. The story can be either Contemporary, Futuristic, or Historical, with elements of all other sub-genres, including Paranormal, Fantasy, Comedy, Suspense, etc. No vacation is off limits...nor is the sexual content your characters experience. Moreover, all stories should have a "happily ever after" ending, or at least what is considered a "happily for now" conclusion.

Important notes: Amber Allure will not consider any previously published stories, therefore each novella should include only new material. Additionally, the submission should not be part of a series published at another house. Only completed manuscripts will be accepted for consideration. Please also include a detailed synopsis of the manuscript as well as a query letter. And finally, no simultaneous submissions please.

Deadline for Submissions: April 1, 2011 (no exceptions)

Email Address: After preparing your documents according to the "General Submission/Formatting Info" listed above, please submit the full manuscript, synopsis, and query letter to:


More information here.
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