Amira Press, LLC is a royalty-paying publisher of romantic fiction. We are looking for stories that are original, creative, and compelling. Send submissions to submissions at amirapress dot com.
We are primarily an e-book publisher, offering electronic downloads available immediately inside your account from our cart. We also publish select books in print, which are over 50,000 words. We do not offer advances, but we do pay monthly royalties on sales from our own website and quarterly (or when we receive payment) from 3rd party sources. Amira Press charges NO fees to the author. We pay 50% net royalty on e-book sales from our site, 25% from 3rd party sites and 25% net royalty on print book sales.
Amira Press provides the author with editorial services, an ISBN number and exclusive cover art. These services are free to the author. Amira Press e-books will be listed on our website and on various third party sites.
We do accept simultaneous submissions; however, we ask that you kindly inform us that you have submitted to other publishers. We respond to queries within two weeks and full submissions within 90 days. (Please do not send us anything you have submitted to an agent!)
Submissions MUST BE in .DOC or .RTF format, or it will not be opened.
What we want more of:
- M/M, F/F, Menage er0tic romance
- Interracial romance (sensual or er0tic, any genre)
- Paranormal er0tic romance
- Shape-shifter er0tic romance
Limited interest
1. At this time, we have no interest in sweet, sensual, or spicy contemporary romance (must be er0tic for consideration)
2. Extremely limited interest in er0tic contemporary romance
(The above does not apply to interracial romance. Sensual and er0tic heat levels of interracial romance considered.)
Book Lengths
1. 20000k - 40000 - Novella
2. 40000k - 85000 - Full length
(Short works no longer accepted from outside authors, and in-house short author works limited.)
Manuscript Formatting for all Submissions
Send submissions to: submissions AT
Author's name, address, phone number and email should appear on the first page of the manuscript. This cuts down on searching out your email and saves time.
Your email should include:
- Title of Manuscript
- Author Name and/or pseudonym
- Genre
- Word Count
- Full detailed synopsis (VERY IMPORTANT)
Promotional Plan (Please do not tell us you are open to suggestions. Tell us what writing groups you belong to, with whom you network. Tell us about your Web page and the writing groups (online or local) you belong to. Take time to research opportunities. Do your ideas need to be set in stone? No. But we are looking for authors who want to interact and hobnob with readers through chats and signings and who will jump at any opportunity to talk about and share their books.)
Manuscripts should be in Times New Roman, 12 point. Chapter headings should be in words, not numbers. Please use page breaks (Insert, Break, Ok on the menu bar or Ctrl + Enter) and do not hit enter until you are on a new page. Please do not underline what you'd like to have in italics. Go ahead and italicize it. Please no parentheses in fiction. None. Thanks.
All submissions should be sent to
More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.