15 September 2010

Queer Zine Submissions Deadline Extended

Post date: 15 September 2010
Deadline: 22 September 2010

The editors of Queer Zine have extended the date of the submission deadline a week to give more people a chance to submit their work. They already have a large body of work to edit and format but they would love to have more variety and diversity in the pieces.

Be creative! Start conversations! Radical or conservative, academic or casual, anecdotes or essays, photography or sketches, they want all of it!

If you want to submit something but are having trouble coming up with a concept, please let them know. Also, if you have resources (access to scanners, printing, distributing, etc) and you want to help them out / get involved, send them a message as well or shoot them an email at queerZineUCI@gmail.com.

Previous call for submissions:

Submissions can be anything queer related such as:

-critiques on the current gay marriage debate

-queer experiences at UCI / OC (how you've found a community, built a community, experienced hate crimes, differences between the OC and "home" [international students and their experiences would be fascinating to document])

-Your activism and contributions to the queer community and particular struggles that are ongoing or have been overcome.

-Queer Art, poetry, personal anecdotes.

-Radical literature that would normally be censored in most media outlets that aren't self-published.

-Essays on gender, sexuality, ephemera, queer diasporas, queer histories, fighting homophobia in the OC, queer spaces, queer art, performance studies, etc.

And anything and everything else you can think of! The possibilities are endless! Anything and everything is welcomed! I am aiming for the first issue to be released in mid-October and more issues to be released on a quarterly basis. Please email:


with any comments, concerns, critiques, questions, fabulousness, submissions, recommendations, etc! This is a collective project and so it's up to all of us to create something valuable for future generations to look back on and learn from!

"Zine" is short for fanzine. For all intensive purposes, a zine is a cheaply-made, cheaply-priced publication, often in black and white, which is mass-produced via photocopier and bound with staples. Most zines revolve around a music scene of some sort, but others are dedicated to artwork, poetry, cartoons, editorials and short stories. Because zines do not have any sort of corporate backing, they are very rugged, individualized, and much more charismatic than larger, more popular magazines whose content is often dictated by their advertisers.

More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.