24 July 2010

Triangle Award Winners Announced for Best LGBT Fiction, Poetry, and Non-Fiction

Post date: 24 July 2010
We're proud to present the winners for the best LGBT books of 2010. The winners were announced at the 22nd annual Triangle Awards, April 29, 2010, at the New School. Also listed below were the finalists for each category.

Finalists for the Judy Grahn Award for Lesbian Nonfiction

* WINNER! Rebecca Brown, American Romances (City Lights)
* Mary Cappello, Called Back (Alyson Books)
* Joan Schenkar, The Talented Miss Highsmith (St. Martin’s)

Finalists for the Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction

* WINNER! James Davidson, The Greeks and Greek Love (Random House)
* Chad Heap, Slumming: Sexual and Racial Encounters in American Nightlife, 1885–1940 (University of Chicago Press)
* David Plante, The Pure Lover (Beacon Press)

Finalists for the Audre Lorde Award for Lesbian Poetry

* WINNER! Stacie Cassarino, Zero at the Bone (New Issues Poetry & Prose)
* Kristin Naca, Bird Eating Bird (Harper Perennial)
* Lee Ann Roripaugh, On the Cusp of a Dangerous Year (Southern Illinois University Press)

Finalists for the Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry

* WINNER! Ronaldo V. Wilson, Poems of the Black Object (Futurepoem Books)
* Brent Goodman, The Brother Swimming Beneath Me (Black Lawrence Press)
* D.A. Powell, Chronic (Graywolf Press)

Finalists for the Edmund White Award for
Debut Fiction

* WINNER! Lori Ostlund, The Bigness of the World (University of Georgia Press)
* Elise Moser, Because I Have Loved and Hidden It (Cormorant Books)
* Rakesh Satyal, Blue Boy (Kensington)

The Ferro-Grumley Award for LGBT Fiction is presented by the Ferro-Grumley Literary Awards, a co-sponsor of the Triangle Awards ceremony.

Finalists for The Ferro-Grumley Awards
for LGBT Fiction

* WINNER! Sebastian Stuart, The Hour Between (Alyson Books)
* G. Winston James, Shaming the Devil (Top Pen Press)
* Barb Johnson, More of This World or Maybe Another (Harper Perennial)
* Eleanor Lerman, The Blonde on the Train (Mayapple Press)
* Vestal McIntyre, Lake Overturn (Harper)
* Jill Malone, A Field Guide to Deception (Bywater Books)

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