Finalists for the Judy Grahn Award for Lesbian Nonfiction
* WINNER! Rebecca Brown, American Romances (City Lights)
* Mary Cappello, Called Back (Alyson Books)
* Joan Schenkar, The Talented Miss Highsmith (St. Martin’s)
Finalists for the Randy Shilts Award for Gay Nonfiction
* WINNER! James Davidson, The Greeks and Greek Love (Random House)
* Chad Heap, Slumming: Sexual and Racial Encounters in American Nightlife, 1885–1940 (University of Chicago Press)
* David Plante, The Pure Lover (Beacon Press)
Finalists for the Audre Lorde Award for Lesbian Poetry
* WINNER! Stacie Cassarino, Zero at the Bone (New Issues Poetry & Prose)
* Kristin Naca, Bird Eating Bird (Harper Perennial)
* Lee Ann Roripaugh, On the Cusp of a Dangerous Year (Southern Illinois University Press)
Finalists for the Thom Gunn Award for Gay Poetry
* WINNER! Ronaldo V. Wilson, Poems of the Black Object (Futurepoem Books)
* Brent Goodman, The Brother Swimming Beneath Me (Black Lawrence Press)
* D.A. Powell, Chronic (Graywolf Press)
Finalists for the Edmund White Award for
Debut Fiction
* WINNER! Lori Ostlund, The Bigness of the World (University of Georgia Press)
* Elise Moser, Because I Have Loved and Hidden It (Cormorant Books)
* Rakesh Satyal, Blue Boy (Kensington)
The Ferro-Grumley Award for LGBT Fiction is presented by the Ferro-Grumley Literary Awards, a co-sponsor of the Triangle Awards ceremony.
Finalists for The Ferro-Grumley Awards
for LGBT Fiction
* WINNER! Sebastian Stuart, The Hour Between (Alyson Books)
* G. Winston James, Shaming the Devil (Top Pen Press)
* Barb Johnson, More of This World or Maybe Another (Harper Perennial)
* Eleanor Lerman, The Blonde on the Train (Mayapple Press)
* Vestal McIntyre, Lake Overturn (Harper)
* Jill Malone, A Field Guide to Deception (Bywater Books)
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