24 July 2010

Calls for Special Issues: All Things Pankish

Post date: 24 July 2010
Submissions are now open for PANK’s October special online issue featuring Queer prose, poetry & art, guest edited by Tim Jones-Yelvington. Submit fiction, poetry, art and unidentified or hybrid literary text objects by September 1, 2010 through the special issue submission manager: http://pankmagazine.submishmash.com/Submit.

We are open to any of the following and especially those things we haven’t thought of. But these are not guidelines. There are no guidelines. This shit is Queer.

~Work by, about or representing Queer people of color, women, trans folk, poor Queers, Queers with disabilities, homeless Queers, immigrant Queers, incarcerated Queers, Queers involved in sex work and other street economies, and others who bring the Queer.

~Work that explores the relationship between formal/aesthetic innovation and Queer identities and experiences.

~Queer heterosexuality.

~”Realist,” “experimental,” “magical realist/irrealist/fabulist, etc.” writing conscious of language and form.

~Queer avant-garde.

~Graphic sex and violence, and/or the grotesque.

~Appropriations, transformations or recontextualizations of existing writers or texts.

~What PANK would publish anyway because that’s what PANK does.

~Deadline, September 1st, 2010.

This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.