Echelon Magazine, 6404 Wilshire Blvd, Ste 1829, Los Angeles, CA 90048. P(323)230-5548. Email: editorial -at- Website: Michael Lamb, Publisher. 40% freelance. "Echelon Magazine is an online publication serving the GLBT business professional." Welcomes new writers. 20K website visitors per month. Pays on publication. Period between acceptance and publication varies. Buys all rights. Also publishes digital version. Occasionally accepts reprints. Responds 1 week. Full guidelines provided after assignment.
CURRENT NEEDS: "Finance writers, (stock market), entertainment business articles, GLBT business profiles, news items. Also looking for features for our web-based publication." Pays $100-$200 for 500-1000 words. Submit query by email.
PHOTOS/ART: 72 dpi, jpeg/gif. Pay is negotiable.
More information here.
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