20 October 2010

Let it Out Poetry Contest

Post date: 20 October 2010
Deadline: 1 November 2010

Get your pointer finger ready to start clicking away: voting for the fall poetry contest is underway.

A big thanks to all who participated! We received 58 amazing and creative poems that individually express how you “Let It Out.” Now, on to voting. The rules are pretty basic.

1. Read all the poems that were submitted.

2. If you wish to vote for a poem, you must register first.

3. Click “vote” to select your favorite poem.

4. Only one vote per person, so if you want your poem to win, be sure to get your friends, family, neighbors, teachers or maybe even your tech-savvy pet involved.

5. The poem with the most votes by November 1 at 6:00 p.m. wins the grand prize of $500!

Note: You may notice none of the poems display authors. This is because of the highly sensitive and personal nature of the poems. Please be respectful of the anonymity and topics addressed here.

Questions or comments to vent@amillionmilesfromanywhere.com

More information here.
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