27 October 2010

Consultant Wanted ($500 per day): Analysis of Organisational Capacity of National and Regional LGBT Organisations in Southern Africa

Post date: 27 October 2010
Deadline: 28 October 2010

The Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) is a regional Foundation that is part of a global network of the Open Society Foundations. Established in 1997, and based in Johannesburg, OSISA’s vision is the realization of a vibrant Southern African society in which people, free from material and other deprivation, understand their rights and responsibilities and participate democratically in all spheres of life. In pursuit of this vision, OSISA’s mission is to initiate and undertake advocacy work (and support initiatives by others) that seek to establish the ideals of open society in the region. OSISA works in 10 countries in Southern Africa: Angola, Botswana, DRC, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe.

The Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa (OSISA) in collaboration with the Open Society Institute (OSI) LGBT Rights Initiative based in OSI-DC office, has recognised the need to conduct an audit of LGBTI organisational capacity within the Southern African region in order to identify the key capacity building needs of the sector in order to better deliver on advancing LGBT rights and building the LGBT movement in Southern Africa. As an organisation OSISA is keenly aware of the many challenges facing LGBT organisations. Part of the strategy of the OSISA/OSI-DC LGBT initiative is to provide technical support that will build the capacity of LGBT organizations in Southern Africa. The capacity building programme will prioritise and focus on particular skills that will enable LGBT organisations to strategise efficiently, advocate and lobby for LGBT issues, and provide better services where required.


The purpose of this consultancy is to do an audit of LGBT organisations and make recommendations to OSISA/OSI-DC about both specific and generic technical support needed for partners in the SADC region.

OSISA/OSI-DC is looking for a consultant [or consultants] to undertake the audit and invites eligible consultants to indicate their interest in providing their services.

This is a desk and field audit and it is envisaged that the consultant will visit each of the OSISA/OSI-DC partners with the following objectives:

1. To assess the internal organisational development capacity of the organisation and its staff and to identify key areas where capacity is needed
2. To assess the technical knowledge of organisation and identify gaps in knowledge around the thematic areas as well as skills needs – such as HIV and AIDS, human rights, advocacy,
3. To develop a plan per organisation to best address the specific needs
4. To develop a regional capacity building plan to develop the LGBT sector

Upon completion the products expected from this consultation/evaluation include:

1. A brief [maximum 3 pages] report on each organisation highlighting an individual capacity building plan
2. A regional report [5 pages] ‘Opportunities For Action’ which identifies common capacity building needs and makes recommendations on the technical support OSISA/OSI-DC can play.

The consultant will work closely with the Sexual Diversity Coordinator and Programme Associate of OSISA. On awarding of the consultancy, a one day briefing meeting will be held to outline the specific terms of the assignment and to agree on the parameters of the audit.

OSISA will pay US $500 per day for the assignment. Interested consultants must send a CV and a three page plan that demonstrates their understanding of the assignment and how they will tackle the audit. Please note that consultants may associate with other organisations or individuals to enhance their qualifications. Responses must be delivered to the below e-mail by no later than 28 October 2010

The consultant should have the following skills:

* Understanding of the LGBT sector and the issues facing sector
* A strong understanding of, and experience in OD and challenges facing smaller organisations
* At least 5 years experience in capacity building on both internal OD and skills building.
* Appreciation of the sensitive nature of the assignment
* Knowledge of the regional context
* Ability to communicate fluently in written and spoken English. French and Portuguese would be an advantage
* Key involvement in a recent (not more than 5 years ago) feminist and gendered analysis of a Southern African programme
* Availability to complete the assignment by 15/12/2010
* At least 5 years experience in conducting programme reviews and evaluations especially in Southern Africa.
* Process Management skills in interviewing, facilitation, project design and presentation

All correspondence related to this CEI shall be in writing only and delivered by e-mail to Steve Letsike stevel@osisa.org and copied to Ian Swartz ians@osisa.org . Landline +27 11 587 5000

More information here.
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