Writer Eligibility:
-Writer must identify as queer
-Writers of all ages and stages of career are welcome
-Writer cannot have studied creative writing with judge Mark Doty
Submission Eligibility:
-Work must have a maximum word count of 250
-Work may be in any genre (prose, poetry, all experimental hybrids in between)
-Work content need not be on a queer theme
-Work content must not include writer’s name (judging is blind)
Contest Entry:
-Deadline for submission is April 1, 2011
-Entry fee for each submission is $5, maximum of 5 submissions per writer
-Entry fee paid through PayPal link on AQLF website (ww.atlqueerlitfest.com)
- Submit work(s) by emailing as one Microsoft Word attachment (please name as: Broadside_[last name]_[first name].doc) to aqlfcontest@gmail.com, with the subject heading “Broadside Contest Entry, [last name]_[first name].” Include contact mailing address and telephone number in body of email.
-Winning submission will be published as annual festival broadside. Writer will receive 20 copies, $100 honorarium, and an invitation to read the broadside at keynote address during AQLF (June 24, 2011).
-All finalists will be considered for invitation to read at AQLF, winner notified no later than May 15, 2011.
More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.