Anticipated Publication Date: Early Spring 2011
Chorus: The Writing of Femmes, Butches and Transpeople, a forthcoming collection of writing voices from an array of Queer folks, aims to showcase the real, radical, and retaliatory writing of Femmes, Butches, Transpeople, Queers, and other identities.
Show me your muse, your breakup poetry, your dirtiest smut, your deepest secrets, your short stories. I want your best words, the things you keep sacred when they reveal too much of yourself. Together, our voices will form a chorus of amazing story and song, amazing poetry, and our most magical words.
At this time, I am seeking written word only. Please do not sent photographs, drawings, or printed art. I will be doing a separate anthology for printed artwork at a later time due to printing requirements.
Submissions must be sent as Word Files with 12 point Times New Roman font. Work must be previously unpublished (unless you have written it here on ThePlanet). Fiction, memoir, and short stories must be less than 5000 words in length, typed double-spaced. You may submit up to 5 poems, short stories, essays, pieces of erotica.
Author maintains and controls the copyright of their essay and rights to republish their work in any publication.
By submitting work, you agree that, its owners, Moderators, and participants holds no responsibility for loss, damage, or harm to you or your work.
Send Submissions only (NO QUESTIONS) to butchfemmeplanet at gmail dot com. You MUST include your screen name, the name you want to accompany your pieces of writing, your phone number, email address, and a short bio that will appear in the book if your selection is chosen to be published.
Please put the title of your work and the word "CHORUS" in the subject line of the email. Please email each piece of writing separately.
Please ask questions in this thread that pertain to this process and I will do my best to answer them in a timely manner.
Our anthology will be professionally printed and published and will be available for sale on and through order at Barnes and Noble, as well as on It will feature a glossy front and back cover and an ISBN number. The price of the anthology will be completely dependent on how many submissions we get.
Each person submitting pieces of writing who are chosen for publication will receive one free copy of the anthology. No other payment will be rendered.
More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.