We need 15 informative, news-style articles, all original for Gay Escort Directory. Strictly no plagiarism. The written articles will be passed through copyscape.
Each article needs to have a headline title (including the keyword), and 2% keyword density.
The articles you write and submit for me should have 2-3 links to my website.
These are the keywords to base each article on:
Gay Escorts London (5)
Gay Escort New York City(1)
Gay Escorts (5)
Rentboys (1)
Gay massage (1)
Male escorts (2)
Each article should span about 500 words.
- The main keywords should appear twice in the first paragraph (once in the first 90 characters) and twice in the last paragraph (once near the end of the text, if possible, in the last sentence) amongst other times.
Do not just comment on what the keyword means, please be more creative. These articles need to be up to date and informative!
Articles must be submitted to the most popular high rank PR services.
FLUENT ENGLISH IS A MUST! Your work must be completely error free, in perfect English (Spelling, Grammar and Punctuation must be correct).
We pay $5 per article!!!
More information here.
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