24 May 2012

Deadline June 1 | Call for Submissions: "Gardens" Issue of Lavender Review (Lesbian Poetry and Art Journal)

Post date: 24 May 2012
Deadline: 1 June 2012

Lavender Review is an international, biannual e-zine dedicated to poetry and art by, about, and for lesbians, including whatever might appeal to a lesbian readership.

This e-zine is free, and open to everyone. Scroll down on the homepage to see the Contents link.

The theme of Issue 5 is Gardens, in honor of theme fairy Kate Light’s poem “Gardening” which will appear in Issue 5. The deadline for submissions is June 1, 2012.

Writers: Please submit up to six unpublished poems in the body of an email.

Artists: Please submit up to six images (jpegs preferred) by email.


For queries/ submissions: lavender.review@gmail.com

Website: http://lavrev.net/
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