We appreciate your fantastic submissions to our poetry anthologies on the LGBT Midwestern experience, but there's been a slight deadline change in our call for submissions. For female poets, submissions to Kate Lynn Hibbard ( will be accepted until Thursday, May 31st, 2012. For male poets, Submissions to Raymond Luczak ( will be accepted until the original deadline of Friday, May 18th, 2012.
For our anthologies, we've decided to cast our net wider to include LGBT poets who live not only in the Upper Midwest (Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, or Wisconsin), but also in the Greater Midwest, as in Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Nebraska, and Ohio. We are also open to reading new work by LGBT poets who grew up in the Midwest even though they no longer live there.
What does it mean to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender and living in the Upper Midwest (MI, MN, ND, SD, or WI)?
If you’re a LGBT poet in the Upper Midwest, we want to hear from you!
Squares & Rebels, a brand-new LGBT imprint of Handtype Press, plans to bring out two poetry anthologies in the fall of 2012. Our goal is to help foster a sense of community among LGBT writers here in the Upper Midwest as well as showcase their work to the rest of the country. Each anthology will feature only 20 writers with approximately four to five poems each.
Some of your work should address the question of what it’s like to be lesbian or gay in the Upper Midwest.
Send us 5 to 7 unpublished original poems as a Word file (either .rtf or .doc, but not .docx). No simultaneous submissions or reprints, please. No print submissions.
In your email, state the city and state where you reside; a short bio would be helpful. If you’d like to have your personal web site listed on, please include it!
We recognize that sexuality and sexual orientation are far more fluid than we've traditionally supposed. Writers who identify themselves as sexually attracted to their own gender (whether they are transgender, bisexual, questioning or not) are more than welcome to submit to the appropriate editor below.
Women should submit their work to the editor Kate Lynn Hibbard:
Men should submit their work to the editor Raymond Luczak:
Those who get their work accepted in either anthology will be compensated with a copy of the anthology in which they appear.
DEADLINE: Friday, May 18, 2012.
Kate Lynn Hibbard's first book of poems, SLEEPING UPSIDE DOWN (Silverfish Review Press 2006), won the Gerald Cable Book Award. A second book, SWEET WEIGHT, is forthcoming from Tiger Bark Press in 2012. A recipient of awards from the McKnight Foundation, the Minnesota State Arts Board and the Astrea Foundation, she teaches writing and women's studies at Minneapolis Community and Technical College.
Raymond Luczak is the editor and author of 14 books including ROAD WORK AHEAD (Sibling Rivalry Press 2011), MUTE (A Midsummer Night’s Press 2010), and THIS WAY TO THE ACORNS: POEMS (THE TENTH ANNIVERSARY EDITION) (Handtype Press 2012). He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota. His web site is
Squares & Rebels is the new LGBT imprint under the aegis of Handtype Press. We are primarily interested in LGBT poets and writers who live in Michigan, Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. For more information, please check out
For inquiries/ submissions: or
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