Prime Mincer Press, publisher of Prime Mincer literary magazine, is seeking submissions of short fiction for an anthology titled The Man Date: 15 Bromances, to be published in early 2013. The editors are looking for original, unpublished short stories ranging from 1,500-6,000 words concerning bromances—work that in some way comments on or deals with male friendships and relationships, and/or plays on the idea of the buddy story. The final selection will be a mix of emerging and established writers including Rick Bass, Pinckney Benedict and Alan Heathcock, among others.
Submissions will be accepted from March 1st through June 1st. Notifications will be sent by August 15th. Payment will be in the form of contributor copies and a percentage of royalties. Submissions will be judged by anthology editors Shawn Andrew Mitchell and Nick Ostdick. For more info, see
Submissions should be made through Prime Mincer's Submishmash account ( and should include a cover page with contact information and a short bio. Please do not include any contact information on the manuscript or in the document's title, as the editors will be doing a blind read.
For submissions: via submishmash
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