Musa’s Wiccan Haus line is a shared paranormal world currently open to new authors. The world includes vampires, weres, magic, and more.
Genre: Er0tic Paranormal
Time Period: Present day
Length: 9,000 and greater
Heat Level: 3 and up
We will accept straight and GLBT.
Submission and Guidelines
™A shared world means that in this series a group of authors will write separate stories that take place in the same place involving some of the same Characters.
™Authors may add characters to the world, they may add elements, but they must adhere to basic guidelines and ideals that have come before and understand that during edits some changes may be required for consistency.
Why is there a separate step for submissions? Although your story might be perfectly written unless it first follows the guidelines of the series it can’t be accepted by Musa for The Wiccan Haus shared-world series.
For a copy of the Wiccan Haus Guidelines please email us at
WiccanHaus (at) Musapublishing (dot) com
For inquiries: WiccanHaus (at) Musapublishing (dot) com
Website: http://thewiccanhaus.blogspot.com
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.