Queer, adj.:
1. Deviating from the expected or normal; strange.
2.Odd or unconventional; eccentric.
3. (Slang) Homosexual.
For our “Queer Fish” anthology, Pink Narcissus Press is seeking short fiction that can be defined in all senses of the word “queer.” Send us gay fiction laced with elements of the unexpected, the eccentric, and the strange. Possible genres include – but are not limited to – paranormal, sci-fi, fantasy (urban and traditional), steampunk, and soft horror. Stories with a subplot of male/male romance are strongly preferred.
We will consider stories of any length. However, characters and settings must be the original creation of the author - NO FANFIC.
Submissions for "Queer Fish" should be sent to: queer (at) pinknarc. com

For inquiries: queer (at) pinknarc. com
For submissions: queer (at) pinknarc. com
Website: http://pinknarc.com/
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