24 January 2011

Call for Submissions for 2011 Issues: The Gay & Lesbian Review

Post date: 24 January 2011
Themes of Forthcoming Issues (for 2011)

1. Rummaging History (ancient Greece, Byron, etc.)
2. GLBT Entrepreneurship / The Gay Economy
3. Thirty Years of HIV/AIDS
4. The Body Gay (fitness, sexual attraction, etc.

Writers' Guidelines

Following are the guidelines for submission as well as some tips to help you decide whether to submit your work and how to frame it for publication:

1. READERSHIP. The journal is targeted to "literate non-specialists," i.e. well-educated readers who span a wide range of professions and interests. A high level of intellectual sophistication can be assumed; however, specialized jargon or a highly academic language should be avoided. Lively, thought-provoking, and readable are some watchwords for articles that we publish.

2. GENRES. The G&LR publishes essays, reviews, interviews, and poems -- but not short fiction, personal memoirs, or journals. Reviews can pertain to books, plays, films, television shows (rarely), or live performances of various kinds. In addition, the following are recurring departments:

* Correspondence. Letters to the editor.
* Guest Opinion. Op-ed pieces by GLBT writers and activists.
* Artist's Profile. Focuses on the creative output of a visual artist, musician, or writer, usually includes a short interview.
* Art Memo. Reflections on a work or artist of the past who made a difference for gay culture.
* International Spectrum. The state of GLBT rights or culture in city or region outside the U.S.

3. SUBMISSIONS. Both proposals and completed pieces are accepted. Writers who have not previously been published in the G&LR are encouraged to send a writing sample (or link to same on the Internet).

* For feature articles, writers are asked to be mindful of the "themes" of upcoming issues. Themes are announced in the Bulletin Board section of each issue. Writers of papers that were originally intended for a different venue are urged to adapt their work to the G&LR's readership and style. Proposals are encouraged when the writer wishes to develop an idea for a particular issue.
* For book reviews, writers are encouraged to request the current list of "targeted books" for guidance. Proposals for reviews of books that are not on this list are acceptable as well.


* Feature articles range from around 2,000 to 4,000 words, with a "golden mean" of 2,500 to 3,000 words.
* Reviews of books or other works range from 600 to 1,200 words. There are two standard formats for reviews, one for pieces from 600 to 900 words, and one for pieces over 1,000 words. In addition, each issue includes a space for "Brief" reviews of some 200 to 250 words.


* Submission by e-mail is preferred. Hard copy submissions are acceptable, but writers are urged to notify the editor by e-mail if at all possible.
o E-mail submissions to . Most formats are okay (MS Word, RTF, etc.).
o For hard copy, use the PO box below. Only one copy is required. SASE (stamped, self-addressed envelope) not needed unless you want your manuscript returned.
* The G&LR is a carefully edited publication, and few unsolicited pieces are accepted exactly as submitted. Writers may be asked to revise or even rewrite portions of a piece.

6. POETRY. A few poems are published in each issue. While there is no hard-and-fast limit on length, poems of over 50 lines become hard to accommodate. Please submit no more than three poems at a time. Send your work in hard copy to our PO box and include an SASE for notification purposes. Please do not submit poetry by e-mail.

7. BOOK REVIEWS. Assignments for book reviews are normally made by the Review's editorial committee, but writers are free to propose forthcoming books that they would like to review. Unsolicited reviews are rarely published. Writers are strongly discouraged from reviewing works by friends or associates. Book reviews are usually under 1200 words.

As for content, a book (or other) review usually begins with a general overview of the topic at hand or perhaps the writer's previous works (esp. if it's a novel), followed by a discussion of how or where the book under review fits into this context and what it hopes to contribute to it. Finally, the reviewer is free to offer a judgment on how successful the writer has been in achieving his or her stated or implicit goal. In general, it is more important to educate the reader than to render a verdict on the book.

8. RETURN OF MANUSCRIPTS. Submissions will not be returned unless the author specifically requests it.

9. PAYMENT. Contributors of original feature articles receive a flat fee of $100, or may choose to waive this fee and receive payment in kind in the form of four gift subscriptions to parties of their choice. Contributors of full-length book reviews can request $50 or the option of four gift subscriptions. All contributors receive a few copies of the issue in which their article appeared, as well as a new or updated subscription to the G&LR.

More information here.
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