03 January 2011

Call for Submissions: Anthology by and about LGBT Buddhists (Magnus Books)

Post date: 03 January 2011
Deadline: 15 April 2011

Magnus Books, a new publisher of LGBT literature, seeks essays for an anthology by and about LGBT Buddhists. Feel free to share your personal experiences—within both Buddhist and LGBT communities—including but not limited to the role sex and sexuality does or does not play in practice; the need for a spiritual component to LGBT identity; private struggles that led one to Buddhism as well as struggles one may have experienced within Buddhist circles. Academic yet accessible writings outside the area of personal essays would also be welcome. 6,000 word limit, April 15, 2011 deadline. Contributors will be paid a fee. Please no multiple submissions. Work can be mailed to Magnus Books: Cathedral Station, PO Box 1849, New York, NY 10025 or sent to don@magnusbooks.com.

More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.