The second issue of the queer zine is looking for submissions! The guidelines are the same as before but I am also asking for an additional piece.
With your submission, please include a small definition of queer means to you!
I look forward to seeing some more amazing pieces! Keep them coming! If you need help on possible topics or concepts, please do not hesitate to ask!
Some guidelines for your submissions:
Please make sure you have proofread and edited your submissions completely (this is pretty self-explanatory).
Also, please make sure that your piece documents some part of our queer history, whether it be your queer ideas, self-expressions, thoughts, opinions. This means that you should generally shy away from fictional writing unless it has an OC context.
PLEASE be conscious of your submission's length. If we are printing 50+ copies of the zine and your submission is 10 pages long, that is 250 pieces of paper (double sided) JUST for your article. If your piece is long, please consider donating a small amount of money for printing costs
If you are submitting art, make sure that it will print clearly in black and white.
And lastly, please let me know how you want to be credited in the zine (name, email address, dates, contact information for the zine readers, pseudonyms, etc.)*
Send everything to:
More information here.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.