05 August 2010

Call for Submissions:: Transgendered (MP's Spring issue)

Post date: 05 August 2010
Deadline: 21 April 2011
Geographical coverage: USA
Reading Fee: none
Accepts (genre): papers
Prize/Payment: publication
Contact: llhinkle@academinist.org.

Can there be a multi-gendered feminism? MP journal seeks submissions that explore the many facets of transgendered feminism. How do transgendered people experience, embrace, reject, or practice feminism? What is the role of feminism within queer studies? What is the role of feminism for those who occupy the interstice between male and female? Is gender performance feminist? MP Journal welcomes academic papers, book reviews, and other well-written inquiries on the subject of transgendered feminisms. Internationals submissions are encouraged. Submissions may be in any accepted academic format such as MLA, APA, Legal Bluebook, Chicago Style but must be consistent throughout and thoroughly and carefully edited. Please send the submission, a 50 word bio, and a CV before midnight April 21, 2011.

More information here.
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