Whether you are completely closeted, out to some but not to all, or living OUTloud and proud, write a coming-out letter to someone in your life (even if they already know!!). Maybe you have a crush you want to secretly tell or maybe there are some "thank-you's" or "I hate you's" you'd like to get off your chest...WRITE it, slap a stamp on it, send it to me!!!!
It can be silly or serious, can contain things you need to say, want to say, should have said, never said...you get the idea. Speak out FREELY to your mom, dad, spouse, kids, clergy, WHOMEVER...completely uncensored.
Send letters to:
Project: OUT
PO Box 10
Frederick, MD 21705
There is only one rule about content. If you want to tell your age, your gender, your sex, you are more than welcome to…what you CANNOT INCLUDE is your NAME.
Letters can be as creatively decorated or as plain Jane (or Joe) as you’d like. Pictures, drawings, magazine clippings, poems, handwritten, or typed letters can all be included.
If you are asking yourself what in the hell this is all for, well, that’s a fair enough question. Here’s the best answer I can give you: I have no idea. Right now I know that this is just something I wanted to try. It is something that I wish existed when I was still in hiding. My journal was the only place I put my thoughts and then, when I feared that would be found, I was out of resources and into the closet.
The only way that any of what you share will be seen on Facebook is if you expressly request for your content to be shared. Ideally, I would like this project to be successful enough that a book can be made of the compiled letters and cards. Perhaps an art exhibit? Public readings? Either way, if one day this project ends up becoming something more, you can rest assured your coming out won’t be exploited.
This blog is no longer updated. Please instead visit Writers For Diversity for new opportunities for women/ LGBT writers and writers of color. Thank you.