21 July 2010

Fellowship in LGBT Studies 2010,USA

Post date: 21 July 2010
The LGBT Alumni Association of Princeton University, and the Society of Fellows are co-sponsors of a three-year postdoctoral fellowship to be awarded to a scholar working on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender issues in any of the disciplines represented in the Society, and particularly in new and emerging fields. The postdoctoral fellow will be expected to pursue research in any scholarly areas that will make a positive contribution toward public discourse around contemporary LGBT issues. The successful candidate is required to teach one course each semester for the first two years and normally does some advising in his/her specialty or related areas. In the third year, the fellow teaches only one course and devotes the final semester to full-time research. The LGBT fellow is also encouraged to share research interests with the wider campus community, with the aim of creating a sustained dialogue on issues related to LGBT equality.


PhD degree requirements. Please note the Society’s new dates of degree eligibility. These are firm dates with no exceptions.

a) Candidates already holding the PhD degree at time of application:
You must have received your degree between January 1, 2009 and October 1, 2010.
The receipt of the PhD is determined by the date on which you fulfilled all requirements for the degree at your institution, including the defense and filing of the dissertation.

b) Candidates who are ABD (all but dissertation) at time of application:
If you will not meet the October 1, 2010, deadline for receipt of PhD but are expected to have fulfilled all conditions for the degree, including defense and filing of dissertation, by June 15, 2011, you may still apply for a postdoctoral fellowship provided you have completed a substantial portion of the dissertation (approximately half). We ask that you include in your dossier a letter confirming your “progress to degree” from either your Department Chair or your Director of Graduate Studies.

Application Deadline 1October2010

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